Posted by: Kerry & Jim | 22 November 2013

Addio ai nostri nuovi amici – Farewell to our new friends

Over the past 6 months we have been very lucky to have met such lovely, warm and generous friends who have all been wonderful to us. It has been worth the trip just to meet you all.

Firstly Debra. Your kindness and generosity in helping us get our permisso di soggiorno organised as well as all those trips to Lucca to the Questura is greatly appreciated. I honestly don’t think we would have managed without you. Thankyou.

We have absolutely loved spending time with you here, up at Vergemoli and on our many outings together. We were lucky enough to meet Jim when he was here in March and are already looking forward to seeing you again soon. My tears flowed all the way to Lucca after our farewell this morning …. but I know we will say in touch.

Our wonderful friend Cherry has fed and watered us on many occasions up at their gorgeous house (I never did get used to walking up that hill). Thank you for your friendship – we have really enjoyed spending time with you and Aldo and of course Ethan when he was here. We will never forget the wonderful meals we shared and that gluttonous evening when we went out for dinner.

Carla & Agostino are at Il Monaco every morning for coffee and a pastry (Sunday is the exception – Agostino has two). It has been so lovely to meet you both and we are grateful for your kindness. Jim enjoyed a walking day with Agostino and we have had several lovely meals up a Vico Pancellorum together. We will meet again soon.

Maria & Raphael have spent many years living in Australia and we have loved hearing all your travel stories and sharing your great knowledge of Italy. We had a wonderful lunch at your house and we have very much enjoyed sharing a morning coffee with you both. See you on our next trip.

Wendy and her little puppy Margo are always out and about walking. It was wonderful meeting you Wendy and thank you for the lovely dinner on the tower – such a great location. Good luck with the move back to the UK and know everything will fall in to place over the coming months.

Libby & Bernie have a house in Lucca and often come out to Ponte a Serraglio for a coffee in the morning to catch up with everyone. Great to meet you both – thanks for dinner and your farewell party. We look forward to catching up with you both in the new year in Sydney.

Rosi & Adriano spend the summer here and Rosi has a horse riding business in Lucca. They are regularly at morning coffee and we have really enjoyed our time with them.

It was so great to meet you Paul & Karen when you were here on holidays. We really enjoyed your company and sharing a bottle or two with you both. We are coming to Sydney in Feb/Mar – stock up guys!

Gary & Pauline were here for a couple of weeks and we loved our time together. Dinner up at Circolo on a lovely summer’s night – what more could you want!

The Perth Girls, Judi, Jan, Geri & June, who were here for a week. Lovely to meet you all and hopefully we will catch up on our return to WA.

Paul is another morning coffee friend and he was around for a couple of months over summer and is coming back soon with his wife. We look forward to seeing you in Perth soon and will tell you all the news from the village then.

Chris and his dog Luna are also regular coffee goers. Once he has his morning coffee Chris heads off to Castelnuovo to continue work on his restoration project.

And finally Moe (Maureen) from Glasgow. Moe is an artist and is here for about 6 weeks. Great to have spent some time with you over the past couple of weeks and thank you for the painting – we love it.

And here they are – our new friends from Ponte a Serraglio.

Debra at the entrance to their house up at Vergemoli

Debra at the entrance to their house up at Vergemoli

Gary & Pauline with us having dinner at Circolo dei Forestieri

Gary & Pauline with us having dinner at Circolo dei Forestieri

Karen, myself, Debra & Cherry up at Cherry's for lunch

Karen, myself, Debra & Cherry up at Cherry’s for lunch



Wendy at an art festival evening

Wendy at an art festival evening

Cherry with Adriano at one of the art festival evenings

Cherry with Adriano at one of the art festival evenings

Agostino & Carla outside their studio

Agostino & Carla outside their studio

Dinner on Wendy's tower

Dinner on Wendy’s tower



Cherry and Jim up at San Cassiano

Cherry and Jim up at San Cassiano

Paul, Cherry, Jim, Audrey,  Romy & Karen having a BBQ up at Cherry & Ethan's

Paul, Cherry, Jim, Audrey, Romy & Karen having a BBQ up at Cherry & Ethan’s

Karen with lovely blue accessory after a swim

Karen with lovely blue accessory after a swim

Paul on clean-up duty

Paul on clean-up duty

Cherry & myself enjoying lunch in Chianti

Cherry & myself enjoying lunch in Chianti

Agostino explaining the intricacies of his sundial to Jim

Agostino explaining the intricacies of his sundial to Jim

Rafael & Maria outside their house

Rafael & Maria outside their house

Myself, Rosi & Cherry at coffee

Myself, Rosi & Cherry at coffee

Adriano, Ethan & Jim at coffee

Adriano, Ethan & Jim at coffee

Jim & Agostino after their walking day

Jim & Agostino after their walking day

Cherry & Jim at the river

Cherry & Jim at the river

Sandra (Debra's sister), Jim & Debra in Pitigliano

Sandra (Debra’s sister), Jim & Debra in Pitigliano

Cherry's farewell dinner

Cherry’s farewell dinner

Jim, Carla, Agostino, Debra and myself at morning coffee

Jim, Carla, Agostino, Debra and myself at morning coffee



A day out with the Perth Girls - Judi, Geri, Jim Sandra, Debra, Jan & June

A day out with the Perth Girls – Judi, Geri, Jim Sandra, Debra, Jan & June

Us with Moe

Us with Moe

Debra kindly invited us to dinner last night and cooked us this amazing meal. Wendy shared a bottle of 1966 Pomerol Bordeaux which she had been saving and it was surprisingly still good even though the cork had started to deteriorate. Thanks Deb.

Wendy, Moe & Debra

Wendy, Moe & Debra


  1. It was wonderful to meet you Jim and Kerry…our time in Ponte a Serraglio and making new friends was a highlight of our trip! We look forward to keeping in touch and meeting up again somewhere…. Make sure you let us know when you’re heading for Qld!

    • We are looking forward to definitely seeing you in Qld at some stage.

  2. Over from Debra’s bog where I’ve been a frequent visitor for some time. I’m in the US, but my mother (now deceased) is from Pescia, where I still have an aunt and first cousins. My paternal grandparents are from San Casciano (above Bagni). Safe travels home!

    • Welcome. How wonderful to have that Italian connection.

      • Add born in Trieste.

      • Amazing!

  3. It has been a pleasure spending time with you both. It all went too quickly and I look forward to your next visit to Ponte a Serraglio, or Brisbane.

    • Thanks Deb….see you in 2015 for sure – or perhaps earlier in Brisbane.

  4. Boy I bet it was very hard for you to leave! Look forward to catching up with you after you have settled back in Perth.

    • Hard to leave Ponte a Serraglio but WA is calling.

  5. What a happy sad occasion! You need to come home to Oz but what fantastic memories and friendships!!

    • Yes, emotional time for us both.

  6. It has been a great pleasure to meet both of you and we are looking forward to catching up with you in the near future.

    • Likewise….see you both on our next overseas travels.

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